Solid Black Interior Rope Rug

$ 97.00

The Original Maine Rope Mat Company Since 1998, is proud to introduce our latest rope product for 2024, the Interior Braided Rope Rug. Expertly crafted to blend style with durability, this rug is a must-have addition to any space. Its intricate braiding technique made right here in Maine by Custom Cordage, not only adds a touch of charm but also ensures that the rug withstands the test of time and foot traffic. Made from high-quality materials, it feels soft underfoot while maintaining its shape and vibrant color.  Perfect for any room, its versatile design complements both modern and traditional interiors. Elevate your home's aesthetic with our Interior Braided Rope Rug - a timeless piece that combines elegance with practicality for everyday living.

MATERIAL - 3/8” & 9/16” Flat Braid

SIZE - 24" x 30" 


Vendor: Maine Rope Mats SKU: N/A

The Original Maine Rope Mat Company Since 1998, is proud to introduce our latest rope product for 2024, the Interior Braided Rope Rug. Expertly crafted to blend style with durability, this rug is a must-have addition to any space. Its intricate braiding technique made right here in Maine by Custom Cordage, not only adds a touch of charm but also ensures that the rug withstands the test of time and foot traffic. Made from high-quality materials, it feels soft underfoot while maintaining its shape and vibrant color.  Perfect for any room, its versatile design complements both modern and traditional interiors. Elevate your home's aesthetic with our Interior Braided Rope Rug - a timeless piece that combines elegance with practicality for everyday living.

MATERIAL - 3/8” & 9/16” Flat Braid

SIZE - 24" x 30" 


Shipping & Delivery
Our Rope Mats, Baskets, & Products ship same business day. Custom made Rope Mats, Baskets, & Products will ship within 1-2 Business days.